You can extend Lattix through its powerful scripting capabilities. These scripts can be used for custom analysis, integration with other products, build and test automation, and for creating new Lattix modules.
A script catalog contains a number of scripts that have already been developed. These scripts should also serve as examples of how you can access the Lattix API. Lattix script are written in Groovy which is super-set of the Java language. Therefore, if you already know Java then you can begin writing scripts right away. A script can be run from Lattix Architect or LDC (LDCScript).
- Installing and Running Scripts
- Scripting with Groovy
- Introduction
- Specifying Actions
- Script Annotations
- Key Interfaces of the API
- Example Scripts
- Iterate through all Subsystems
- Create New Project from Visual Studio Solution File using Clang module
- Create Rule on selection
- Expand/collapse hierarchical expansion
- Extract Metrics
- Dump Dependencies for Selected Subsystem into File
- Custom Report: Generate File Name and Line Number of each Violation
- Custom Report: Uses (inherits) report with Line Numbers
- Custom Report: Uses report with Line Numbers
- Custom Metric
- Custom Metric using partition properties
- Expand Members
- Partitioning Algorithms
- Custom Partitioning Algorithms
- API Reference
- QueryBuilder API
- Examples
- Find atoms in which the atom name contains the string “work”
- Find edges in which the target atom name contains the string “test”
- Find partitions in which the display name ends with the string “.h”
- Find partitions in which the display name ends with the string “.h” and the partition contains an atom that has a property test=”true”
- IQueryBuilder
- IAtomKinds
- IAtoms
- ICycleComponents
- ICycles
- IDatasource
- IDependency
- IDependencyKinds
- IEdgeDetails
- IEdges
- IMetricDefinitions
- IMetrics
- IModules
- IPartitionRelations
- IPartitions
- IProperties
- IPropertyDefinitions
- IRules
- ITags
- IViolators
- IWorkList
- Select
- Table
- Where
- Examples
- Script Editor Tool
- Script Catalog
- List of Currently Available Scripts
- Android JNI
- Collapse Partition
- Combine Partitions for Source and Header Files
- Combine Partitions for Source and Header Files Per Folder
- Create Work Item From Violation
- Data Coupling Report
- Delete Partitions with Atoms
- Dump Dependencies for Selected Subsystem
- Dump Model Kinds
- Export Project Atoms to Excel / LDI
- Find Archive to Archive Dependencies
- Flatten Selected Partitions
- Generate Class View
- Generate Excel/LDI from Project
- Graph Elements listed in File with GraphViz
- Graph Selected Subsystem with Graphviz
- Graph Selected Subsystem with Pajek
- Graph Subsystems with Hierarchy
- Import/Export Rules
- Infer Dependency to Methods in Concrete Class
- Inferred Dependencies
- Jira Issue
- List Dependency Paths
- Load Partition Properties
- Open Project
- Organize Project
- Remove Selected Atom Kinds
- Resolve .NET to C/C++
- Save Project
- Tag Elements listed in File
- List of Currently Available Scripts