Clear Project Caches


Clear Project Caches#

To improve performance, Lattix Web caches information about project snapshots that have been added to the Lattix Web Repository. From time to time, you may need to clear these Project Caches. Please follow the below instructions when you need to clear those caches.

Some reasons you may need to clear your Project Caches:

  • Upgrading to a new version of Lattix Web. A new version of Lattix Web may utilize new or changed cache information. When you upgrade in this circumstance, you will need to clear your Project Caches.

  • Troubleshooting with support. As a troubleshooting step, support may request that you clear your Project Caches while investigating a problem.


  1. Shut down Lattix Web service

  2. Open a terminal/command shell

  3. CD into Lattix Repository directory (Windows default is c:\LattixRepository; Linux default is /opt/LattixWeb/LattixRepository )

  4. On Windows, run clear_cache.bat, On Linux, run

  5. Restart Lattix Web service

Note that this clear_cache script will also clear your Generated Reports Cache.