Using ldcupdate#
ldcupdate <project-file> -module:[Module-Id] [Module Options] [-deltaTags] [-deltaviolations:<dviol-file>] [-generateDetailedReport] [-atomdb:true|false] [-merge] [-dobackups] [input files] -report:[FileFormat] -reportFile:<report-file>
ldcupdate allows the user to create a new project from source code, or update an existing project with new source code. It can produce a change report that shows which elements are new or which are no longer present. The report also contains a list of violations that are new and those that have been fixed. You can generate the delta violations report in a separate file - the file is not generated if no new violations were added or old violations removed. The presence or absence of the violations file can be used to determine if additional action is required after the update.
Caveat: Please note that input specification using wild cards should not be used to update projects, if the project being updated was created by explicitly listing the input files.
Creating a New Project#
To create a new project using LDCUpdate, a user must specify:
The file name for the new project
The Lattix module to use
The source files
Creating Java Projects#
Below are some examples of commands to create a project.
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java file1.jar file2.jar
Create a project based the specified source files.
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:dotnet @flist.txt
Create a project based on a list of source files supplied in the text file flist.txt
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:dotnet dll:DirName/[*.dll]
Create a project by loading in all dlls in the specified directory.
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear[*.jar]
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear[file1.jar] sample.ear[file2.jar]
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear!web.war!file1.jar earfile!warfile!file2.jar
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear!web.war!WEB-INF/lib[*.jar]
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear!WEB-INF/lib[*.jar]
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:java sample.ear!file.war[*.class]
Create a project from Java files including source from within EAR files. File names can be full path names. EAR and WAR files are treated like directories except that the delimiter character at the end is ‘!’ instead of ‘/’.
Note that the options -memberProcessing:all -expandMembersInDSM can be added to any of these commands to create a project with member level turned on.
Creating Clang Projects#
Create a clang project from a buildspec.xml or compile_commands.json file
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:clang buildspec.xml
ldcupdate <NewProjectFile.ldz> -module:clang compile_commands.json
Please see this section to learn about creating clang projects with buildspec.xml and compile_commands.json files.
Updating an Existing Project#
LDCUpdate can update an existing project with new source code.
The files originally used to create a Lattix project are stored in its project properties - see Project–> Project Properties–> <Module Name>–> Datasources in Lattix Architect.
If you run LDCUpdate without specifying any source files, the project will be updated using the current version of those files on your file system:
ldcupdate <ExistingProjectFile.ldz>
Alternatively you can specify new files to use as the source of the project:
ldcupdate <ExistingProjectFile.ldz> <newSourceFile> <anotherNewSourceFile>
For more information on ways to specify source files, see the examples in Creating a New Project. Caveat: Please note that input specification using wild cards should not be used to update projects, if the project being updated was created by explicitly listing the input files.
Here are some further LDCUpdate project update command examples:
ldcupdate <ExistingProjectFile.ldz> -report:txt -reportFile<report-file>
Update the given project and generate a report on the update. This report will show changes in content (source the has changed, is missing, or has been added) and changes in violations (missing or new). Available file formats to supply to the -report argument are txt, xml, html and excel.
ldcupdate <ExistingProjectFile.ldz> -deltaviolations:<DeltaviolationsFilename>
Update the given project and generate a report on the changes in violations. The violations report file is not generated if there were no changes.
ldcupdate <ExistingProjectFile.ldz> -memberProcessing:all -expandMembersInDSM
Update the project and turn member level processing on.
ldcupdate <ProjectFile.ldz> -atomdb:true
Update a project and turn on the atom database. Setting atomdb:false will turn off the atom database. If this option is not specified, the updated project will have the same atom database setting as the input project.
Further Help#
For more information and help on the options that can be provided to LDCUpdate, please run one of these commands:
ldcupdate -help
Shows the arguments available for ldcupdate.
ldcupdate -help:ModuleOptions
Shows all available modules and their options.
ldcupdate -help:<moduleName, e.g. java or clang>
Shows all the options for the specified module.
Here is a list of modules currently available with Lattix. For an up-to-date list, run:
ldcupdate -help:ModuleOptions
axivion, clang, dotnet, excel, jama, java, klc, ldx, oracle, parasoft, python, rhapsody, ruby, sparxea, sql, understand-cpp, understand-python, understand-fortran, understand-ada, magicdraw, xmi
Module Options#
Here is a list of modules and options currently available with Lattix. For an up-to-date list, run
ldcupdate -help:ModuleOptions
ModuleId: axivion
Module input types
rfg:<file or directory>
ldi.xml:<file or directory>
ldi:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Axivion Home Directory
Python EXE
Skip atom matching these patterns
Logfile Name
Use Parent Datasource
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Module partitioning options:
Merge Duplicate Atoms
Create Subsystems For Assemblies
Create Subsystems Corresponding to Directory Structure
ModuleId: clang
Module input types
<Build Specification File>
lo:<file or directory>
sln_name:Visual Studio File
sln_cfg:Build Configuration
projconfig:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Filter dependencies from header to source files
Include standard Clang headers
Include Visual Studio headers
Automatically detect include directories in source tree
Compute declaration information
Convert symbolic links to physical file names.
Compile Include Files
Only Process Files in Root Dirs
Honor excluded source files in Visual Studio
Don't generate compiler flag properties for atoms
Don't generate preprocessor properties for atoms
Don't generate clang properties for atoms
Don't generate dependency line numbers
Skip duplicate include files
Enable memory diagnostics
Include files matching these names
Include files only from these datasources
Skip atoms matching these patterns
Include directories
Compiler options. If an option contains a comma, it should be escaped with a backslash
Remove these prefixes from atom names
Header file extensions
Source file extensions
Create dependencies to declarations if there's only one
Create atoms for declarations
Save object files
Directory to use for temporary files
Maximum number of compiler threads that can be run simultaneously. Zero means unlimited
Directory to use to resolve relative files in buildspec.
Prevent Architect from include preprocessor source code in the model.
Name of log file - warning - log files can be large and significantly impact update performance.
Generates diagnostic information about dependencies. Typically disabled as this can consume a lot of memory.
Buildspec Output File
Number of milliseconds to wait before considering the process to be stalled and possibly killed
Setting this will save compile commands to the file instead of running them.
Use Parent Datasource
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Module partitioning options:
Merge duplicate atoms
Create Subsystem for Datasources
Include Directory in Datasource Subsystem Name
ModuleId: dotnet
Module input types
dll:<file or directory>
exe:<file or directory>
sln_name:Visual Studio File
sln_cfg:Build Configuration
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
-dotnet_include_prefix:<Class Namespace Prefix>[,<Class Namespace Prefix>...]
Include only classes with these package prefixes
Exclude classes containing these strings
Exclude <Module> fields that include these strings
Mixed assembly support
Read source file information from associated PDB
Process Native DLLs
Skip private classes
Skip <Module> & DLL Atoms
Use PDB Location For Path
Always Create Matching Exports
Strip prefixes from assembly path
-logfile:<File Name>
Logfile Name
Global partition name
Module partitioning options:
Merge Duplicate Atoms
Create subsystems for assemblies
Create Subsystems Corresponding to Directory Structure
ModuleId: excel
Module input types
xlsx:<file or directory>
xls:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Name of Worksheet
Hierarchy Delimiter Character
Excel Format
Always Create Target Subsystem
MIT Format
Read Dependencies
Element Names Column
First Data Column
First Data Row
ModuleId: jama
Module input types
ldi.xml:<file or directory>
xml:<file or directory>
ldi:<file or directory>
Module partitioning options:
Merge Duplicate Atoms
Create Subsystems for files
Create Subsystems for directory hierarchy
ModuleId: java
Module input types
jar:<file or directory>
class:<file or directory>
zip:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Enable Line Number Processing
-java_include_pattern:<Include class pattern>[,<Include class pattern>...]
Include only classes matching these patterns
-java_exclude_pattern:<Exclude class pattern>[,<Exclude class pattern>...]
Exclude classes containing these patterns
The name of the static class member field that gives revision information
Hide Synthetic Variables
Module partitioning options:
Create Subsystems for Jar files/class path
Create Subsystems Corresponding to Directory Structure
Ignore Duplicate Classes/Interfaces
ModuleId: klc
Module input types
klc:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Enable Line Number Processing
Filter references from header files to source files
Create atoms for declarations
Import Metrics from Klocwork
Log Sql Queries
Skip symbols containing these substrings
Only include symbols containing these substrings
Remove prefix from atom names
Extensions for header files
Log File Name
ModuleId: ldx
Module input types
ldi.xml:<file or directory>
ldi:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Logfile Name
Duplicate atoms will have atom kind appended to name
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Module partitioning options:
Create Subsystems for Assemblies
Create Subsystems for Assemblies Directory
ModuleId: oracle
Module input types
sql:<file or directory>
fnc:<file or directory>
pkb:<file or directory>
pks:<file or directory>
trg:<file or directory>
prc:<file or directory>
useoci:Use OCI Driver
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Enable Line Number Processing
Create Atoms For Synonyms
This will move public synonym atoms into the schema it references.
Process Tags Inside Comments
Show External References
Filter known externals
Use disk caching to minimize memory use
Parse Oracle Source Code in Database
Store SQL Source Code in Project (to Enable View Source)
ModuleId: parasoft
Module input types
deps:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Force lowercase names
Normalize paths
Remove prefix
Use Parent Datasource
Module partitioning options:
Ignore duplicate atoms
ModuleId: python
Module input types
py:<file or directory>
json:<file or directory>
ldi:<file or directory>
ldi.xml:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
pydeps command
Module partitioning options:
Merge Duplicate Atoms
Create Subsystems for files
Create Subsystems for directory hierarchy
ModuleId: rhapsody
Module input types
rpyx:<file or directory>
rpy:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Create "Actors&UseCases" Partition
Create "CollaborationDiagrams" Partition
Create "Classes&Interfaces" Partition
Create "Components" Partition
Create "DeploymentDiagrams" Partition
Create "Events" Partition
Create "Objects" Partition
Create "ObjectModelDiagrams" Partition
Create "Packages" Partition
Create "SequenceDiagrams" Partition
Create "Stereotypes" Partition
Create "StructureDiagrams" Partition
Create "Types" Partition
Create "UseCaseDiagrams" Partition
Skip Comment and Requirement
Skip Component
Skip Event
Skip Global Function and Variable
Skip Object
Skip Object Diagram
Skip Sequence & Collaboration Diagram
Skip State
Skip Stereotype
Skip Structure Diagram
Skip Type
Skip Actor, UseCase and UseCase Diagram
ModuleId: ruby
Module input types
rb:<file or directory>
json:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Ruby Executable
Rubrowser command location
Module partitioning options:
Merge Duplicate Atoms
Create Subsystems for files
Create Subsystems for directory hierarchy
ModuleId: sparxea
Module input types
qea:<file or directory>
eap:<file or directory>
eapx:<file or directory>
ldi:<file or directory>
xml:<file or directory>
connect:Connection String
Module loading options:
Setting Java HOME to a 32 bit Java will allow support for 32 bit SparxEA
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Skip all Diagrams
Skip all Notes
Load Code Elements Only (Class, Operation, Attribute)
Load UML Elements Only
Match Type string to Class/Interface name
Match Type string with embedded colons (e.g. A::B::C) to Class/Interface name
Generate Methods for Sequence Diagram Messages
ModuleId: sql
Module input types
sql:<file or directory>
ddl:<file or directory>
port:Port (optional)
user:Username (optional)
password:Password (optional)
type:Database Type
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Scan system meta-data
Store source in model
Parse SQL Source Code
Preserve case of identifiers
Process Only These Databases
Debugging log file
ModuleId: understand-python
Module input types
und:<file or directory>
udb:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
ModuleId: understand-cpp
Module input types
und:<file or directory>
udb:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Enable Line Number Processing
Exclude non-include header file dependencies
Fold Unnamed Types into Typedefs
Filter duplicate global elements
Skip dependencies of header files on source files
Visibility filter
Use Total Line Count (including comments)
Ignore include references to non-unique header files.
Scan namespace for duplicates
Create Global Variable Usage Properties
Remove prefix from atom names
Skip symbols matching these patterns (regexp)
Enable File Filtering
Create Atoms for Declarations
Skip these files
Log file name
ModuleId: understand-ada
Module input types
und:<file or directory>
udb:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Log file name
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Skip symbols matching these patterns (regexp)
Enable Line Number Processing
ModuleId: understand-fortran
Module input types
und:<file or directory>
udb:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
Enable Line Number Processing
Create Atoms for Common Blocks
ModuleId: magicdraw
Module input types
mdzip:<file or directory>
xmi:<file or directory>
xml:<file or directory>
uml:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Remove Empty Blocks
Reverse Satisfy Relationship
Use merge property name
Merge property name
Member Level Processing
Load Members for Specified Elements:
ModuleId: xmi
Module input types
xmi:<file or directory>
xml:<file or directory>
uml:<file or directory>
Module loading options:
Skip Interaction
Skip UseCase
Skip Type
Skip State
Skip Signal
Skip Profile
File Format#
Success or Failure#
LDCUpdate returns a failure code when it has been unable to complete its processing.