Using the LDI Module

Using the LDI Module#

LDI is a Lattix native format for reading in subsystem and dependency information directly from an XML file. LDI is often a representation that can be generated by parsers. Lattix Architect also provides a utility that can read in an Excel spread sheet specified in either a matrix format (such as the MIT format) or a columnar format and produce an LDI file of that data.

You can read about LDI in the Lattix Architect Module Guide.

Follow these steps to create a DSM using the LDI Module after you have generated your LDI file:

  • Select New Project from the File menu.

  • Select Enterprise .NET or All from the list of Profiles.

  • Select LDI in the Module Type drop down

  • Navigate and select the LDI file in the file tree

  • Click on Add File (or double click) to add the LDI file to the Project.

  • Click on Create Project
