Why Use Lattix Architect?

Why Use Lattix Architect?#

Lattix provides a powerful way to visualize, analyze, communicate and enforce the architecture of complex systems. Lattix has the most comprehensive support for languages, databases and frameworks. Lattix is also unique in that you can combine multiple domains in a single project so that it can be used to manage the architecture of heterogeneous systems. The DSM representation pioneered by Lattix is the most scalable representation of large systems.

Here are just a few reasons for using Lattix:

  • Architecture Discovery:

    Discover the architecture, even from systems where erosion has taken place for a long time, by combining flexible and scalable visualization with powerful algorithms. more…

  • Architecture based Re-engineering:

    Restructure systems prior to actual change all within Lattix even for the large scale re-engineering initiatives such as SOA, Product Line or for significant new development. more…

  • Specification and Enforcement of Architecture:

    Prevent architectural erosion and make evolution explicit. Specify design rules to monitor and enforce architectural intent. Automate enforcement with command line utilities. more…

  • Impact Analysis:

    Increase confidence, manage risk and improve testing efficiency with a precise understanding of what’s affected by change. more…

  • Track, Measure and Report:

    Understand what’s changed from build to build, use special architecture metrics to measure and generate a variety of reports to manage the evolution of software. more…