What is LDC?

What is LDC?#

The LDC command-line applications can be used to automate the process of checking and updating the dependency model. Currently, there are 7 LDC applications:

  • ldcupdate

  • ldcreport

  • ldcdiff

  • ldcscript

  • ldcget

  • ldcpublish

  • ldclicense

Here are some common uses intended for LDC applications:

  • Create a new model or update a current model while maintaining a history of dependency models.

  • Generate reports in a variety of formats and configured to contain a variety of information.

    Maintain a history of reports. The available formats include xml, html, text, xlsx, xls, csv, jpg and png. The contents of the report include how the new model is different from the old one, what rule violations were found as well as a variety of data such as metrics, DSM, usage, worklist and a variety of other information.

  • Publish and extract projects into and from the repository respectively.

  • Run custom scripts on projects.

The LDC command-line applications can be readily integrated with Ant, Maven, Cruise Control and other IDEs and build systems. You can set up your build scripts that allow you to test if there were rule violations and to send out email.