Installing on Linux#

Installing the Applications#

For information about supported OS versions and recommended system memory, please see Supported Platforms and Configurations.


Download the Archive file and simply unzip (or untar) to extract the file anywhere on your file system. In order to run Lattix run from the bin directory in the Lattix installation directory. In order to uninstall, simply delete the directory where you extracted the Lattix files.

Specifying License#

Run Lattix. If you have no license the License dialog will come up. Alternately, you can bring up the License dialog from Help ‣ License. Click on Read License File and select the license file that was provided by your Lattix supplier. You are now ready to use Lattix.

Environment Variables#

The following environment variable can optionally be set to override the default behavior prior to the running the script.


The client shell scripts use the result of `uname -m` to identify the current machine architecture. This behavior can be overridden using the LATTIX_ARCH environment variable:

export LATTIX_ARCH=x86_64          #for 64 bit architecture


This variable is used to override the maximum heap size computation in the shell scripts.


This sets the maximum heap size for 16 gig.


This variable sets the from which Lattix reads client configuration and licensing information.

export LATTIX_CONFIG=/home/my_lattix_config

This sets the config directory to /home/my_lattix_config.

Installing the Repository and Lattix Web Application#

Please note that running the Repository and the Lattix Web Application is not supported on a server that has another Tomcat server running on it.

Create a User#

Create a regular user on your Linux machine. The scripts for installing the repository assume the username lattixweb (all lowercase). Installation will be easier if you can create a user with that name. After the user is created, log into this user before proceeding.

Download the Software#

Download the appropriate .tgz file for Lattix Web into the home directory of the lattixweb user.

Expand the archive (the exact archive name will depend on the version you downloaded):

lattixweb@basubu:~$ tar xvf LattixWeb-110328-6.4.1-linux64.tgz

This will create a few directories:

  • java contains the Java runtime used by the Lattix Web server.

  • LattixDaemon contains a script for running Lattix Web as a daemon.

  • LattixRepository is the directory into which Lattix Web stores Project Track and Snapshot data. You will want to arrange to have this directory backed up regularly.

  • LattixTemplates contains files used to configure Lattix Web

  • Server contains the program code for running the server.

Customizing the Installation#

There are a variety of parameters that can be modified to customize the Lattix Web installation. To customize Lattix Web, you need to edit LattixDaemon/LattixWeb. The top of the file contains a set of environment variables that the script uses to configure the Lattix Web server: Note that the 12.x version has different environment variables than previous versions. Also 12.x allows you to set the environment variables outside of the script.

Version 12.x

if [ -z "${LATTIXWEB_USER}" ]; then
        export LATTIXWEB_USER=lattixweb         # Adjust run user here

if [ -z "${LATTIXWEB_HOME}" ]; then
        export LATTIXWEB_HOME=/opt/LattixWeb

if [ -z "${LATTIX_REPOSITORY}" ]; then
        export LATTIX_REPOSITORY=$LATTIXWEB_HOME/LattixRepository
if [ -z "${LATTIXWEB_PORT}" ]; then
        export LATTIXWEB_PORT=8080

Version 11.x and earlier

RUN_AS_USER=lattixweb           # Adjust run user here
 # You can adjust the memory size for the JVM by setting LATTIX_MEMORY_SIZE. This
 # example sets the VM size to 32 gig.
 # export LATTIX_MEMORY_SIZE=32g

Here is a brief description of these parameters: (both 12.x and 11.x environment
variable names are shown)
  • LATTIXWEB_USER/RUN_AS_USER - By default, the script assumes you’ve created a lattixweb user and that this is the user to use to run the Lattix Web server. It is a bad idea to run the server as root. If you’ve chosen a different user, change LATTIXWEB_USER/RUN_AS_USER accordingly. In 12.x you can set the environment variable LATTIXWEB_USER outside of the script.

  • LATTIXWEB_HOME/RUN_HOME - This is a convenience variable used to abstract the location of the rest of the installation. For 11.x: Assuming that Lattix Web is installed in the home directory of RUN_AS_USER, you should not need to modify this variable. For 12.x, the default install location is /opt/LattixWeb

  • CATALINA_HOME specifies the location of the Server directory of the installation. This variable is calculated automatically.

  • LATTIX_REPOSITORY specifies the location of the LattixRepository. If you choose to store Lattix Web generated data someplace other than the home directory of the RUN_AS_USER (on 11.x) or LATTIXWEB_HOME (on 12.x) , modify this variable.

  • LATTIXWEB_PORT/SERVER_PORT - By default, the Lattix Web web server runs at port 8080 on the server machine. The home page of Lattix Web is at http://localhost:8080/LattixWeb. If you would like the server to run at a different port, change the LATTIXWEB_PORT/SERVER_PORT variable.

  • LATTIX_MEMORY_SIZE - You can use this line to control the amount of memory used by the server. By default, this variable is commented out and the script computes a nominal size to use for memory.

Running the Server#

After you’ve finished customizing the server, you should be able to run it from a terminal command line:

lattixweb@basubu:~$ LattixDaemon/LattixWeb start
Starting Razuna Tomcat:
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /home/lattixweb/Server
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /home/lattixweb/Server
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/lattixweb/Server/temp
Using JRE_HOME:        /home/lattixweb/java
Using CLASSPATH:       /home/lattixweb/Server/bin/bootstrap.jar done.

Using a web browser, you should be able to navigate to the page http://localhost:8080/LattixWeb.

Creating a Daemon#

If you want the server to run automatically when you boot your machine, you will have to install a daemon. Using the root account, copy LattixDaemon/LattixWeb:

root@basubu# cp LattixDaemon/LattixWeb /etc/init.d

Next, you have to install the daemon. This step varies depending on whether you are running Ubuntu or Red Hat. For Red Hat, execute these steps (as root):

[root@redhat ~]# chkconfig --add LattixWeb
[root@redhat ~]# chkconfig --level 2345 LattixWeb on
[root@redhat ~]# chkconfig --list LattixWeb

LattixWeb       0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

For Ubuntu, execute these steps:

root@basubu# sysv-rc-conf --level 2345 LattixWeb on
root@basubu# sysv-rc-conf --list LattixWeb

LattixWeb    2:on   3:on    4:on    5:on

Upgrading an existing installation#

Upgrading primarily involves replacing the /opt/LattixWeb/Server directory

of your repository installation, while leaving the old data intact. This assumes LattixWeb is installed in the /opt/LattixWeb directory. You should be able to remove the previous /opt/LattixWeb/Server directory as long as the data is in another directory like /opt/LattixWeb/LattixRepository | (the commands to start and stop the LattixWeb service may be different depending | on which version of Linux you are using)

  • Log into the machine running the repository as lattixweb

  • Download LattixWeb for linux .tgz file into the lattixweb home directory

  • Stop the repository daemon.
    sudo service LattixWeb stop
  • Remove the old software:
    rm -rf Server
  • Extract new software
    tar xf LattixWeb.tgz Server/
  • Restart the server:
    sudo service LattixWeb start

Migrating an existing installation to another server#

Migrating to a new server requires a new installation while using the old data. Install Lattix Web on your new server as before and copy the data directory (LattixRepository) from the old server to the new server in the same corresponding location.

Uninstalling an existing installation#

Uninstalling LattixWeb involves stopping and uninstalling the daemon, then deleting the Lattix Web software.

Uninstalling the Daemon#

  • Stop the daemon
    sudo service LattixWeb stop
  • Stop the daemon from automatically running. For Red Hat, execute
    chkconfig --level 2345 LattixWeb off
    chkconfig --del LattixWeb
  • For Ubuntu:
    sysv-rc-conf --level 2345 LattixWeb off
  • Delete the daemon from the system directory
    sudo rm /etc/init.d/LattixWeb