Using ldcget#
ldcget -host:repositoryServer -port:serverPort -app:appName -track:projectTrack [-version:snapShot] [-output:fileName] -user:name -password:password
ldcget -repository:repositoryName -track:projectTrack [-version:snapShot] [-output:fileName]
Gets a snapshot (a Lattix project) from the repository.
ldcget -url:http://serverName:port/LattixWeb-track:projName -user:your-name -password:your-password
Extracts the latest snapshot from the track projName.
ldcget -repository:TestRepository -track:projName -user:your-name -password:your-password
Extracts the latest snapshot from the track projName. Note that to use this command, you must have set up a TestRepository using Lattix Architect to point to the server, port and app.
ldcget -repository:TestRepository -track:projName -version:V1.0 -output:proj.ldz -user:your-name -password:your-password
Extracts the snapshot V1.0 from the track projName into the file proj.ldz.
Success or Failure#
Return success or failure to the calling script, where failure is the inability to complete its processing.