Getting your hostid

Getting your hostid#

rlmhostid is a tool to provide the machine details to serve and provide a Lattix license.

The executable is located in the bin/platform directory within your Lattix installation.

The usage is: rlmhostid -ether

RLM supports several different kinds of identification for various computing environments, as well as some generic identification which are platform-independent.

When an application requests a license from a license server, it will transmit the hostid information from the local machine to the license server, so that the server can process node-locked licenses without additional queries to the application.

For more details, please see the RLM documentation

Installing LDC License#

LDC license is host based.

  1. Obtain the hostid, just as you did for Lattix, and send it to your Lattix supplier.

  2. Once we have the hostid and the user email address, we will send you a license file: ldc.lic.

  3. Save this license file in the config directory where you installed Lattix.

Note that you can also use ldclicense to configure the license for ldc.

You should now be able to run the ldc applications.

Please note that for large projects, you can increase Java heap size by using the argument -Xmxsize. For instance, -Xmx8g will increase the maximum heap size to 8 GB.